Sunday, March 24, 2019
Relatives, friends etc.
In 29th pAsuram of ThirumAlai, the Lord asks whether the AlzvAr had relatives or friends in divya desam, to which the AlzvAr replied, "uravu maTTroruvar illai" i.e. he had no relatives or friends living in any divya desam. "maTTroruvar" as per Periyavaccan Pillai means "exchange of eye glances with other bhaktaas in the Kovil".
The modern interpretation would admit a wider interpretation whether - you are in contact with other bhaktAs over whatsapp or facebook? If yes, the Lord can think of doing something. So, even if we have no house, relatives, friends in divya desam and do not visit Kovil, we should be in some group of aastikaas which discusses glories of Lord. The question to the self should be - are we in such groups. We are only busy in forwarding crass jokes, baseless rumors and posting self-glories.
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