Monday, November 2, 2009

Patna – gandhi setu & dolphin

We wrapped up the arbitration proceeding within couple of hours and I was on my way to the gandhi setu linking patna and hajipur over river ganges. A shared auto dropped me at the site. The bridge, around 5.6 kms was considered as longest bridge in the world over a river. After ten minutes of gazing and clicking, I had the chance of spotting the fast disappearing gangetic dolphin (Platanista gangetica). Only last month the gangetic dolphin was declared as national aquatic animal in the first meeting of National Ganga River Basin Authority since a cleaner ganga will ensure return of the species. I had around seven to eight spotting of the dolphin, which I could not capture in my camera owing to battery failure. Folks in patna had told me that dolphins are myth and I was indeed lucky to spot them but luck deserted me when it came to capture them through the camera lens. Indeed we humans as a race are greedy, all the time seeking to capture but nature humbles us and I returned to my hotel with dolphins etched in my mind.


  1. How lucky that you managed to spot the dolphin! And how unlucky that your camera battery died then. The pictures are nice - is the haze in the last one from pollution, or just fog/mist?

  2. fog. it was all foggy when i landed patna.
